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All Saints Sunday 2017 (Faith of Our Fathers)

This coming Sunday is ALL SAINTS SUNDAY, Nov 5th. The church I am currently serving with has a special moment in each of its services to honor/remember the member’s of the church that have died since last ALL SAINTS.

In the early morning contemporary service that I run this moment will come early in the service, after the first song. There will be a reading of names, each name will have a bell ring with its reading, and a flower will be placed in a vase on the altar.

This will cut into the music portion of the service and threatens to push us over our time limit of one hour. To make space for this I have reworked Robbie Seay’s arrangement of the hymn Faith of Our Fathers. I have made the song a bit more simple, and have changed a few of the words to fit the culture of our church and the contemporary service.

The song takes about 80 seconds in this arrangement and will be used to open the service and prepare the congregation for the ALL SAINTS ceremony.

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